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  • WWII, WWIII, Revelation verses 
  • the Grand Cross eclipse, Swiss Air coincidences, Luke.

Nostradamus and the 1999 King of Terror
Nostradamus was a prophet, physician, astrologer and very religious man who in 1555 wrote a number of prophecies called Centuries. None is currently more riveting than the following:
Quatrain 10:72
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois
Du ciel viendra un grand Roy d'effrayeur
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Avant apres Mars regner par bon heur.
Usual translation:
In the year 1999 in Sept month
from the sky will come a great king of Terror 
to bring back the grand king of 'Angolmois'
Before and after Mars to rule by good fortune

Eclipsing the Millennium and the Age

Line 1 - L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois
The year 1999 in Sept month. Nostradamus used anagrams to avoid further persecution by the RC Church and Inquisition. N further confused matters by scrambling chronology and languages. The meaning is seldom 'either /or' but works on many levels at once, recurring like fractals thru space-time. So nonante neuf sept mois is likely an anagram. September (sept) is the 9th month, but sept in French is 7. He has deliberately chosen to use nonante from Provencal dialect for ninety instead of the usual quatre-vingt dix-neuf. Why? Perhaps nonante (90) and neuf (9) could be chosen to do double-duty - ie, 99, as well as non ante neuf (no - before 9). That would make it the 8th month or August, which is indeed the month of the eclipse (Aug 11) and Grand Cross (Aug 18), the last of the millennium.

It also causes us to focus on 90, which is the operative angle for a Grand Cross. It should be noted too that the present calendar did not come into effect until 1582, whilst N died in 1566, so his 7th month would be our 8th. Typically in astrology, an eclipse 'conditions' space-time regions so that they are then sensitized to biasing later events in a certain way. One Hawaiian researcher discovered a link to earthquakes occurring about 14 - 18 months after an eclipse affected a given area. The actual day of the eclipse can be relatively uneventful. 

Line 2
Du ciel viendra un grand Roy d'effrayeur

From the sky will come a great king of terror. Since earliest times, the well-known king of terror that comes from the sky has been the eclipse. Virtually all cultures have associated this with fear and apprehension. No sooner is the eclipse of Aug 11 accomplished then the very rare Grand Cross of Aug 18 in Leo follows. Even modern astrologers will wince! It is an awesome one, and estimated to be seen by more people than any other, ever. 

Line 3 - Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois
To bring back the grand king of Angolmois.The eclipse will bring back (resusciter) or renew a Grand Cross. In John 19:15 the great King in Golgotha was Jesus being crucified on the cross. The Cross and Jesus are linked as one indelible icon. N was an astrologer; the eclipse occurs in the 'royal month' of Leo, apart from calendars. So le Roy grand d'Angolmois may = mois roy-le de grand Angle / Ange = royal month of Grand Angle (Cross)/Angel (Jesus). Is roi spelt with a 'y' to suggest 'royale'? Why is 'Roy' capitalized ..... because references to Christ are always in capitals.

In France is a place called Angoumois, or Angouleme. Isabelle of Angouleme married King John of England in 1200 AD (le Roy d'Anglois) who was known as Bad King John in Robin Hood's day. Most significantly Angouleme is at 0 degrees GMT (new beginning, New Age, renewal of centuries). It explains the 'o' in 'angol'.  That implies the return of the great King is Christ's return. And both Great Britain grand Anglois and the USA are involved (see New Angouleme below) via marriages in Angouleme. Christ's bride = His church or true Christians. 

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Notice resusciter has matching "book-ends", 're' and 'er'. Between the 'r's we are left with es-us-cite. In English: s - US city. The 's' or 'su' could be sud = southern. Resusciter demands attention because it should be spelled ressusciter= resurrect. It is strangely missing an 's' - no accident for such a word smith. If we are talking about bringing back a missing southern US city, then we may be talking about Atlanta = the return of Atlantis!! Add the 's' to Atlanta. He plays on the common phrase (e)au dessus-dessous = (water) vice-versa. Whether 'au' or 'eau' it is pronounced the same. Literally - what was below is now above (water), and that above now below. Only the res(s)us' = 'above again' is shown here, since what is below is out of sight. There is one other city that will arise of course - the New Jerusalem. In a nice twist, this is represented by a Los Angelos metaphor, the City of Angels. The following surprise pops out of the anagram: 'iesus crist rescues / secures' = Jesus Christ saves! What of 'securite' and 'USSR /Russe' - must we re-awaken our security efforts (Cold War) with Russia? Or does the missing 's' imply it can be dropped for a reborn USR and new ruse.

The 'urs' is 'bear' = one sign for Aquarius, but also Russia and California emblems. That could spell 'drop southern-US-city of bear' = Los Angeles CA to fall since the same sentence includes 'los Angeles' in le Angolmois. This is re-inforced by the book-ends implying activity on both sides of the country. One book-end says res while the other is ret. The suffix holds anagrams for 'retire' and 'rite'; the prefix for 'resurrect' and 're-use'. One is rising; the other falling. One begins; the other ends. Possible decoding = 'when Atlantis rises anew, Californian and Russian cities retire with rites; Jesus Christ to return and save' those who are His.

Some say the anagram 'Angolmois' here is 'mongols' meaning Genghis Khan. If Mongols, then more likely Attila the Hun whose advance into western Europe was beaten back in France in 451 AD. Words again might do double-duty - meaning both the grand cross and a re-incarnate Attila (Asia) afterwards (apres) on the war-path (Mars) as before (avant). Other anagrams: a) 'dans moi Gol (Gaul)' b) le Roy grand dan I M LOGOS = the Great King in I M LOGOS. 

Line 4 - Avant apres Mars regner par bon heur
Before and after Mars to rule by good fortune. This sentence uses astronomy and astrology to pinpoint the important eclipse event in time. Calendars were adjusted twice after he died; not so the celestial clock. Mars is in Scorpio here but moves retrograde (before and after) out of Libra, while Earth-Taurus is transited by fortunate good-time Jupiter (par bon heur) during the critical July thru Oct period. And is also assisted by Venus in Virgo, a positive aspect. But 'before and after' (avant apres), Jupiter retrogrades into Aries-Mars, leaving Saturn alone in Taurus-Earth. Then action oriented Mars-Aries is ruled by Jupiter = Mars regner par bon heur. See "decoding line 4 further" and Luke below. 

666 and the Anti-Christ

Plutonium is named after Pluto - Lord of the Underworld in mythology. Astrology largely agrees, Pluto being a harvester of souls, regenerator and transformer. On Aug 10/11 Pluto in Sagittarius is at 72 degrees to Uranus in Aquarius. (thus the quatrain is numbered 10:72). On the very day of the Grand Cross, Aug 18, Pluto makes the last of 3 stations within an orb of influence at 6 degrees Sagittarius. During 1999 Pluto hits this 6 degrees Sag point a 3rd time in its retrograde and direct motions. With sinister Pluto involved these three sixes can relate to 666 and the Anti-Christ in Rev 13:18. But only as a sign, because 'the number of a man' refers to the ancient practice of gematria. Sagittarius is well-known to astrologers as a 'horseman'. Do these transits and stations then herald the Horsemen (Sag) of the Apocalypse (Pluto)? These 'stations' of Pluto are also 'stations of the Cross'.

Astrologers will recognize that the 10th house-career of Christ-Pisces is Sagittarius- Savior. What is anti (opposed) Christ-Pisces is Virgo, especially Mars (antagonist) in Virgo, and more so as a square from Pluto in Sag. Virgo is the 6th sign; Pluto is the 6th planet beyond Earth. Pluto and Mars co-rule Scorpio, the sign relating to sex (Latin for 6, due to the 6th commandment). By no means is Virgo evil; any more than Mary the Virgin. They are a partnership at either end of the same axis. The essential difference is that Pisces holds to the spirit of the law; Virgo to the letter. Pisces mixes (include Gentiles) and is forgiving; Virgo is purity (fundamentalist) and exacting.

Who is the beast?

'Let him who has understanding CALCULATE the number...' One interpretation claims the beast to be the computer as a new beast of burden, and the mark of the beast a micro-chip implanted under the skin for quick and certain id, and worldwide dominance via Internet, so that without the mark none might buy or sell, except he who has the name or the number (password). The ABM (anything but Microsoft) fans will be pleased to hear that one web-site shows Bill Gates III and Windows95 each total 666. A popular interpretation assigns 666 to the Papacy. A good treatment is found at:
Link to: Mark of the Beast to be enforced
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The true meaning of 666 is hidden in the ancient science of gematria from which we derive the English system of measurements. And it codes Biblical phrases. Is there a purpose to the anti-Christ? Could it be sent by God to clear the path, evil destroying current evils, for evil is indeed a house divided. Once done, it too must be vanquished by the Christ. This creative destruction of old power structures makes way for 'new skins for new wine' Matt 9:17 (new forms for a new spirit-ual dispensation - the dawning Age of Aquarius.)

Decoding line 4 further

To return to Pluto, what are the dates of the 6th degree stations?
Aspect qualifier
Pluto station 5 Sag 36  Mar 08, 1997 (retro)
Pluto station 5 Sag 17  Aug 16, 1998 (direct)
Pluto square 6 Sag 20 Oct 17, 1998 to Mars in Virgo
Pluto station 
7 Sag 44 Aug 18, 1999 (direct)

With the above let us review avant apres Mars regner par bon heur = before after Mars to rule by good fortune. Interestingly, either side of the Mars square we see motion retro and direct (before after). The 'good fortune' refers to Sagittarius. Also regner is an anagram for regener (regenerate) which is textbook astrology for Pluto. That yields 'back and forth Pluto rules in Sagittarius, before and after Mars' makes the square. Bon heur also is bonne heure = early = early degrees (6) of Sag. 'Early' also applies to Aries (first, impatient), thus also works for Jupiter in Aries-Mars given previously. Just when we think we're done, there's more! Apres Mars regner = after Mars re-gn-er. The 're' in front (avant) mirrors 'er' at the back (apres). But use only 'r' leaving from either side the letters 'egn' OR 'eng' which anagrams to 'gen' OR = gen OU in French. Why? He directs us to the letter fore and aft in Mars... leaving 'ar'. Apply this to the 'r's which cross before and after 'gen'. That leaves a piece with 'gn' or mirror 'ng'. In French genou = 'knee'. What sign is symbolized as 'crossed at the knee'. Yes, Virgo the Virgin. Here is the ancient glyph for Virgo. How do you pronounce 'gnee' in 'Eng'? Knowing the planets' positions we know it is a square aspect. That yields 'Mars in Virgo, square'. Perfect! These codes are so tightly packed with multi-entendres, one wonders if they are given him as revelations. Like unwinding a genetic code. The full text then should read: 'before and after the square of Mars in Virgo, back and forth Pluto rules in early Sagittarius, as does Jupiter in Aries.'

Another Eclipse

The following quatrain leaves no doubt that an eclipse is being discussed. And 'monster' then visible suggests it may be the same time period.

Quatrain 3:34
Quand le defaut du Soleil lors sera,
Sur le plain jour le monstre sera veu;
Tout autrement on l'interpretera,
Cherté n'a garde, nul n'y aura pourveu.
Possible translation:
When the sun will disappear 
In daytime will 'The Monster' be seen
Entirely differently will it be interpreted
Unguarded for a time of high prices, nothing will be foreseen 

Line 1 of this quatrain says 'When the sun will disappear'. And yet the 2nd line says it is 'daytime' so it must be an eclipse.

Line 1 - Quand le defaut du Soleil lors sera
The greatest solar eclipse affecting France and the world this millennium will happen on August 11, 1999. Here, 'sun' is capitalized which means a reference to the Son. When the Son is missing or lacking, then will it be. A crisis in Christianity. Not necessarily of faith but an attack on believers, religion. On the other hand, it could imply a lack of believers outside hors because they are saved. Where is hors implied? Now lors = when, should be lorsque. The missing que is quite ingenious. First it's equ = equine = horse = hors. This line begins with Q = an 'O' with a tail. Que is pronounced like queue = tail. As most Frenchmen know, queue also refers to the devil. There is a famous saying in French: when you see his tail, you see the wolf (devil). Here we do not yet see the tail. But it's implied in lors(que) sera = when (the devil) will be. However, 'when the devil will become visible' is the next quatrain sentence! A date is possible as S-ol(10)-e(t)-11 = Aug 10 and 11, when the Sun shall eclipse on Aug 11, when believers in the Son vanish.

Line 2 - Sur le plain jour le monstre sera veu;
During the eclipse, the 'monster' will be visible. Some of the bodies comprising the Grand Cross may then become visible. But usually it is still not dark enough. However, a satellite re-entry trailing molten particles might be (Cassini). The quatrain below, and Rev 8:8 - 8:10 suggest an asteroid comes first ... then the satellite. If we are to see his tail, then it could be a comet, the tail sometimes described as 'long flowing hair like a woman's ' which from Latin gives us 'comet' and 'comb'. There has been speculation of a comet-planet with a period of 3600 years, with large mass, called Marduke by ancients, and equated with past cataclysms such as the Flood. Also called a 'dark star'. 

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Another candidate, given that the Perseids peak on the next day, is the comet Swift-Tuttle. Exactly 100 years ago, a similar Leonid comet (Temple-Tuttle) made earlier flybys of Jupiter and Saturn which perturbed its orbit such that in 1899 it passed .0117 astronomical units closer to the Sun than the Earth, producing a very weak and disappointing meteor shower. Then in 1900 the orbit changed again and brought a display of 1000 per hour, and 2000 per hour in 1901. Then in 1966 it produced a dazzling shower of tens of thousands per hour. Astronomers at Kitt Peak estimated up to 150,000 per hour!! Very unpredictable. These comets revolve in the opposite direction to the planets so that Earth heads into the swarm of particles and debris. Suppose the Swift-Tuttle orbit is perturbed enough to put it and Earth on a collision course? Or a large fragment of it? Very recently on Jul 8, 1999, a meteor falling near NZ caused a sonic boom and triggered seismographs.

The 'monster' could be the Bible's 'abomination of desolation in the Holy Place', or "in Jur-usalem as it's called" = (o jur-rus-lain apel). If we use jur in sur le plain jour it sounds similar but then means 'I honestly swear, on simple oath, verily I say'. That fits well with an attack on Jewish and Christian religion. Possible decoding: 'Verily I say, on that very day the monster shall be seen in Jerusalem". Past or future? Compare to the Bible:

Dan 11:30 he will come back and show regard for those who forsake the holy covenant. :31 And forces from him will arise, desecrate the sanctuary fortress, and do away with the regular sacrifice. And they will set up the abomination of desolation. 

Line 3 - Tout autrement on l'interpretera
'Entirely differently will it be interpreted'. Many different ways; entirely wrong. Or we should interpret his words differently. N was Jewish so if we read the sentence 'completely differently' - backwards - we get euv ares erts nom le rouj niapl le rus. In better French and rather humorously Oy veh. Ares être le nom, rouge ni appel Rus. Possible translation: 'Woe. Ares be the name; neither red nor rust called'. Ares that is neither red nor rust could be Ares as God of war. But also 'War be the name; red neither calls Russian Bear in USR' = War threatens and the red emergency phone is not used to communicate with Russia. One the other hand Rus sur le PLAin = USR in the open. Open is also a 'facade, front' so PLAin becomes Palestine Liberation Army in a plan with USR. 

Line 4 - Cherté n'a garde, nul n'y aura pourveu.
'Unguarded for a time of high prices' -- perhaps of food, if crops are poisoned by radiation from Cassini. Or some calamity in climate and geology. Also 'unguarded that which is dear'. Suggests a threat on our (or France's) own soil. The Statue of Liberty involves both. Further Nul n'y aura pourvue = None in NY will have foreseen. Then a simple reverse anagram for rou par u ayn = rue par UN = a street by the UN. A past or future terrorist attack? Or a bad UN ruling which allows Jerusalem's holiest site to be occupied and controlled by heathens. 

Sept 11/2001 - terrorism in NY
(update 2003)

The above article was written in the summer of 1999, two years before the World Trade Center attack. Obviously one can now look back and say the "terror from the sky" could refer to that attack which so shocked the entire world.

The planning for the attack in fact did occur at the time of the above eclipse, in 1999 according to several reports. And was not delivered until 2 years later. This is consistent with N's use of astrology to  often describe actual beginnings (planning), rather than emergence upon the world stage. Note  my earlier interpretation of line 4 just above regarding  "a street by the UN", etc. And "none in NY will have foreseen". An excellent characterization of what happened! It is now historical and new facts keep emerging, so it should be interesting to monitor further analysis and connections to Nostradamus.

Historical aside about Angouleme

The current terrorism is designed to pit Christianity against Islam, using terrorist views and their skewed interpretation of Islam faith. There is often expressed revulsion of the "crusaders of the West" who re-captured Jerusalem from Muslim occupiers in 1099. Above we spoke of the great king of Angouleme and Bad King John. But consider the following.

The 3rd crusade was led by King Richard the Lion-Hearted who was King John's brother. When he defeated his own father in battle (King Henry died in 1189) after conspiracy with Philippe of France and Eleanor, Richard succeeded both thrones, Normandy and England. He first freed his mother from prison - Queen Eleanor of Aquitaine, who had accompanied her husband King Louis VII of France on his crusade. Richard ruthlessly taxed the nation to fund his crusade where he spent most of his years. In 1191 he captured Acre and then set out for Jesusalem which had been re-captured by the Muslim Saladin in 1187. They ended up in a truce in which the Muslims still occupied Jerusalem, but Christians had access to holy sites. Not so different from to day. Richard died in France in 1199.

His brother John (and successor) also taxed the nation heavily to fund his wars on France, and first implemented the now hated income tax. He had support from the Pope to go on crusade and started confiscating castles of rebellious barons and even church properties (who were taxed). The barons banded together and forced him at swordpoint to sign the Magna Carta - a foundation stone of English law. Bad King John had a mother and a wife who were two of the most compelling females of European history - Eleanor and Isabela.

Isabela of Angouleme returned home to Normandy France after King John's death and married her original fiance Hugh de Lusignan and had 11 more children (after 5 with King John), all surviving into adulthood. A prolific and amazing women full of adventure. Her cousins were the Savoyards (Savoie) where the Shroud of Jesus would be housed for 500 years. Her descendants and cousins number many among the royalty of England (Plantagenets),  France and other European countries. Not an inconsequential French figure for Nostradamus's consideration.

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created 1999 Jun 21
revised 12004 Mar 16